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以「科技」为名:药妆产品广告的說明、用词 与說服策略之分析

发布者: [发表时间]:2019-06-18 [来源]: [浏览次数]:


黄靖惠为国立台湾师范大学社会教育学系教授,e-mail: hwangjh@ntnu.edu.tw。 

劉宏毅为健行科技大学机械工程学系副教授,e-mail: hyliou@uch.edu.tw。


关键词(中) 系统功能语言学(SFL)、说服传播、广告、药妆产品

关键词(英) advertisements, cosmeceutical product, Persuasion Communication, Systematic Functional Linguistics (SFL)

中文摘要 本文旨在探讨广告如何呈现药妆产品使用的科技,包括对科技内涵的说明、对科技的称呼用词、以及说服消费者的策略。针对上述,本文搜集药妆店宣传单、保健和时尚美妆杂志之广告,并依据系统功能语言学及说服传播之概念,进行内容分析。结果显示:(1)科技内涵的说明偏重科技的效益;(2)对科技的称呼主要以过程语词、形容语词及命名语词搭配使用;(3)广告主要以功能价值进行理性的诉求。承上,本研究分别对药妆业及消费者提出建议。

英文摘要 This paper aims to explore the presentations of advertisements for the technologies utilized by cosmeceutical products, including: what clarifications are there for the essence of the technologies, what words are applied for labeling the technologies, and what strategies are used for persuading consumers. Focusing on the above, this paper collects advertisements from the pamphlets of cosmeceutical stores, as well as in healthcare, fashion and cosmetics magazines, and then conducts content analyses based on the concepts of Systematic Functional Linguistics as well as Persuasion Communication. After executing the investigation , the results reveal that: (1) clarifications are not thorough, and emphases are particularly put on the positive effects functioned by the technologies; (2) the words lableling the technologies apply to mainly collocate process words, descriptive words, and naming words; and (3) advertisements primarily carry out a rational appeal by means of the produ cts’ functional values. Based on the above findings, this paper therefore proposes some suggestions to the cosmeceutical industry and to consumers for their reference.